The shocking news that you have been diagnosed with breast cancer is just the beginning of the long road to recovery. A road full of potholes, detours, and traffic jams that make the journey seem never-ending. But what if you had an entire team of women surrounding you as you navigated the road ahead? CONGA and the Women Who Ride are that team.
CONGA began in 2008 with one woman, a motorcycle, and 3,300 miles of open road. Flo Fuhr had recently purchased a motorcycle in Florida and was on her way back home to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. As she began her journey, she encountered various women who donated a warm meal or a place to sleep. Some even joined her on a motorcycle, and it wasn’t before long that there was a conga line of motorcycles headed across the states. This parade of women was quickly recognized in each town as they passed through cities across the U.S. People would stop and ask them about their ride, and it was then that Flo had her brilliant idea: to ride for a cause. The man who taught Flo to ride as well as her sister had passed away from cancer, and through those losses, Flo recognized the importance of early detection in saving lives. So, during the last leg of her trip, she decided to dedicate her ride to breast cancer, raise awareness and donations, and to fight back through promoting early detection and research.
The ladies, excited about this idea, dressed themselves in pink and drove on. With their fun, positive attitude, pink costumes, boas, stickers, and helmets, it became almost impossible to not notice these amazing women. Their pit stops became opportunities to share their story, and the donations started flowing.
The first year was a success, with over $1,700 raised in a few short days. The decision to keep the conga line moving was an easy one, and CONGA II in 2009 raised $12,000. Since then, CONGA reconvenes each year where women and men ride to “kick cancer to the curb”. 2014 marked the seventh year of CONGA. In just the past two years, CONGA – Women Who Ride raised over $27,000 for the National Breast Cancer Foundation! That is more than 270 mammograms provided for women in need who otherwise may not have access to mammograms. It is thanks to the fearless women and men of CONGA that a new empowering road is being paved: One of hope and strength.
For more information on CONGA and how you can get involved, please visit Conga’s Fundraising Page.
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
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