Today is National Mammography Day. It’s been 21 years since President Clinton proclaimed the third Friday of October as National Mammography Day. Since that time, social media, reality television, cause marketing campaigns and celebrity influencers have all joined the conversation. This is exciting because these tools all can be harnessed to support the original goal of National Mammography Day—to remind women to schedule their annual mammogram. Times have changed, but the importance of mammography has not. “Mammography is the only available screening method that has been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality,” according to the National Cancer Institute.
Here at the National Breast Cancer Foundation, we agree that a reminder to schedule your mammogram is vitally important. That is why we created the Early Detection Plan which reminds women of all ages to complete their monthly breast self-exam and to schedule their annual clinical breast exams and mammograms according to age and family history. The Early Detection Plan is FREE and available online as well as in app-based versions for both iOS and Android, so download yours today!
However, for many women, getting a mammogram includes a bigger challenge than just needing the reminder; there are thousands of women who have difficulty accessing these life-saving screenings due to lack of funds or insurance coverage. That is why NBCF created the National Mammography Program. Through the help of our partner hospitals, we are making a difference in all 50 states by providing free mammograms and diagnostic breast care services to underserved women. Additionally, all of the participating facilities are equipped and committed to providing treatment after an abnormal finding or diagnosis of breast cancer.
If you have questions about mammography, please consult your doctor. If you would like to join us in Helping Women Now, please consider making a donation or starting a fundraiser. Thank you for supporting NBCF today and every day!
*Source: http://appliedresearch.cancer.gov/research/highlights/recallrates.html
Donations are always appreciated, but there are lots of great ways to get involved.
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