Last week here at the NBCF offices, we had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving. We were blessed with lots of laughs and a delicious meal, but we also heard some very helpful advice from our CEO, Janelle Hail. She encouraged us to be thankful for each moment, rather than pining for days gone by or wishing for a future “easier” phase of life. Our culture tends to constantly emphasize achievement, attainment, self-improvement, and home-improvement. While all of these things can be beneficial, they can also quickly promote a feeling of discontentment if we’re not careful. The constant quest for “more” and “better” often challenges our ability to be grateful for the relationships and possessions we’ve already been blessed with, the talents we offer, and our unique set of life experiences.
If you find yourself in the midst of negativity or discontentment, consider these simple tips to redirect your mind to thankfulness:
Certainly there are times when life’s circumstances make it more challenging to be thankful. Still, even in dark and uncertain times, hold onto hope and look for any good you can find in your situation. During her breast cancer journey, Janelle was grateful for the compassionate care she received. Read her tribute to one of those caring nurses on her blog.
We hope this Thanksgiving season gives you many things to be grateful for right now. Before long it will be Christmas, New Year’s and all the things that 2015 will bring, but let’s be content in the now. Right now it’s November. It’s Thanksgiving. It’s a time for reflecting on family and blessings. And speaking of blessings, thank you for joining us in Helping Women Now. We are blessed to do the work we do with your support. We encourage you to share your thankful thoughts and photos with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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