Most Asked Questions About Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms
Get answers from an expert in this free guide
While many of the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer are not noticeable without a professional screening, there are some symptoms that can be felt or observed if you know what to look for and how to look for it.
In this guide, breast health expert Diana L. Lam, M.D., answers our community’s most asked questions about the signs and symptoms of breast cancer, gives instructions on how to perform a breast self-exam, and offers advice on how to stay breast self-aware.

In this guide, we’ll answer:
- What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
- How do I perform a breast self-exam?
- What does a breast lump actually feel like?
- What should I do if I notice a sign or symptom?
- And more!
Here’s a sneak peek of what’s inside the free guide, Most Asked Questions: Breast Cancer Signs & Symptoms.

What our community is saying:
“I really enjoyed this eBook. As I’m in healthcare also, I appreciate how terms and definitions were explained for the ‘non-medical’ reader. I will share it and the information with others!” – Bev
“The guide is very helpful. I’m learning things I never would have thought of.” – Rita
“This is very helpful for my 30 & 34 year old daughters. I have the BRCA1 gene and was diagnosed at my age 59 with TNBC, Stage 1A…Now 7 years later, surviving and thriving. I want the same for my daughters and friends. Thank you for this guide.” – Beverly
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As a reminder, all breast changes or abnormalities should be discussed with your healthcare provider right away.