Note: An interview with NBCF Medical Advisory Council member, Karen Anderson. Originally published on WTSP; Written by Thuy Lan Nguyen.
Breast cancer impacts so many families. It turns out Black families are more likely to be negatively impacted, as Black women are more likely to die after a breast cancer diagnosis.
“One in 32 African American women will die from it as opposed to our counterparts which is one in 39,” said Karen Anderson, a member of the National Breast Cancer Foundation Medical Advisory Council.
The reasons are multi-faceted, but Anderson says one of the biggest reasons data says Black women are more likely to die is delayed diagnosis.
“Women of color are often diagnosed at later stages of the disease and often times diagnosed with a more aggressive form of the disease, which causes a higher mortality rate,” she said.
That’s why regular screenings and self-exams are so critical. Self-exams should be done once a month to check for lumps, thickening, hard knots, or any other changes. Women over the age of 40 should be getting annual mammograms.
There’s been a long-standing mistrust of healthcare in Black communities, forcing many women to skip recommended screenings.
“There’s a lot of myths and misconceptions out there that just aren’t true,” said Anderson.
She suggests turning to trusted health professionals with similar backgrounds that can help dispel any rumors.
Studies show there also may be genetic factors that lead to this disparity, as well as environmental child-rearing factors, like breastfeeding.
Anderson says another reason for the racial disparities in surviving breast cancer has to do with conversations around healthcare in Black families. “We have to start breaking down these barriers, and I think having real-life conversations about this disease will benefit all women of color and their daughters to come.”
Here are some resources for screening for breast cancer:
Want to learn more? Read “Disparities in Breast Cancer Threaten Progress for All.”
National Breast Cancer Foundation is here for you and your loved ones. Whether you need support, education, or help during treatment, we have a team dedicated to get you the help you deserve.
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My breast cancer was early stage, I still feel scared all the time, I had chemo and surgery, and then my tumor tissue said HER2 positive, when I was diagnosed to be triple negative for all three ER, PR and HER2 negative. What I’m saying is listen to you gut instincts, because if something is telling you something is wrong don’t put it off.